Sunday, September 14, 2008

True Love

In my Sociology class we talked about true love and what it is, if it exist.

We have call heard of tyler and renee ziegel if we've been following the news the past couple of years. (picture below)

Tyler and Renee were High school sweet hearts. Tyler went to war, a suicide bomber ambushed is group and he was horribly injured. He lived but his face was torn apart and tons of plastic surgery needed to be done. He also lost his are up to is elbow and all but two fingers on his other arm. Renee stood by his side the whole time and eventually married him.

Happy ending right? True love. Renee a small town girl making a decision to stay with a man she cant even recognize anymore. We all hope we would make the same decision as she did. Perhaps many of us live through her. Seeing them together makes us feel safe and know that maybe just maybe mankind isn't just based on looks.

But Ty and Renee didn't last. They divorced less than a year later. Was it because the way he looks? Maybe the pressure was so much to get married that she just did it to please people. Aren't we known to do that? Do something just to make someone else happy?

She insist it was mutual, they fell out of love. His best friend says she fell out love.

Who knows?

It makes me question the old saying "love conquers all" is it truly possible? Statistics say it doesn't. Look at the divorce rate.

All I know is that I'm happy right now. I should learn to live each day as is. Take in all I can and not push something that's not meant to happen, just yet anyways.

My advice to you is to be happy. Listen to others && love with your heart and your head.

But than again actions do speak louder than words.

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