Sunday, December 07, 2008

Over used

Do you know anyone who uses a phrase wayyyy tooo much that you're able to end it for them? Well i'm one of those people apparently. lol. I didn't even know it, but its annoying that I am. haha. That makes me feel like those weird people that always repeat themselves. haha

anyways to go on...

Phrase is: "Jealous? Should be"

lmao. I use it as a joke. Emphasise on JOKE!
I totally sat here for like 15 minutes thinking of any example. I suppose I coulda lied and made one up but it just didn't sound right. haha. This kinda thing just needs to flow. lol.

But if I think of an example, I'll let you know. :]

Hope weekend went well

After Post Note:
With the whole Paris thing. Exact convo:

Me: Morning Alex

Alex: Morning. HEY! I saw you on Tv.

Me: Jealous? Should be. haha

I totally kid when I use it...but its all in fun. lol.

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