Saturday, August 16, 2008


School is soooooo BLAH! lol for lack of a better word.

So, I was talking with a co-worker and she told me that another co-workers(rumor mill, i know) girlfriend is already graduating college with her BA and she's 22. :( Tear. lol Im effin 20 and haven't even finished my General Ed Requirements. WTF right. Well co worker I was talking with tried to make me feel better and say

"She doesn't work at all, so she has a lot of time"

It helped, but still. I should be WAAAAYYY closer to being done. :(
Like I should at least be starting my upper division classes. :*( wow this is making me super depressed. haha.

But granite I work full time in the OC at a place I love so I wouldn't want to come closer to home..

So this semester I decided to get my poop together.

Wanna hear the scariest dilemma part for class??

Ill tell you. lol

I'll even but it in red because its like a horror story. lol
WELLLL I have class Mondays and Wednesdays
BUT my Monday schedule looks like this.
MON Class from 530 to 650 than 700 to 1000.
Which is not bad at alll buuuuuuuuutttttttttttt these classes are clear across campus!! lol AND I read on that the second class teacher embarrasses you if you're late :/ AHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHHH lol. So I contemplated taking a Saturday class instead and decided against it. in Mayra's words

"Run ur happy ass across campus turbo style n save some gas :) thats what I think you should do."

direct text quote. lol But it is true. I might as well suck it up for one semester if it gets me closer to my finish line. lol

So I decided to do MW 530 to 1000 3 classes on a waitlist for one class to make four but IDK so we'll see.
I want to graduate already :/
Well Wish me luck :)

Ill be pulling alllll nighters for like ever. lol


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