My new hobby is READING!
Theme of the week.
I absolutely love getting lost in a new book. So my goal is to just…well…read. Lol
I finished 13 reasons why by Jay Asher. Once I started I couldn’t put it down. It’s about a young HS student who commits suicide. Throughout the journey of the book it gives you the ’13 reasons why’ she did it and who and what was done that pushed her to the end. It really makes you think how simple gestures and comments can hurt other people. I hear Universal Films will be making this book into a movie starring Selena Gomez. I actually can’t wait. It’s going to be intense!
My next adventure is The pact by Jodi Picoult. From the book summary it’s about a young couple that commits suicide together and throughout the book it explains the investigation and how the two families will have to cope with the aftermath. I couldn’t put it down last night.
Positive changes. :)
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