Monday, October 12, 2009

Its just a mask

Gawd.. I tried so hard to write how I feel at this moment ...
I just don't think i'm ready to see what it look like on paper
some odd years summed up into a blog entry doesn't seem fair enough
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I am learning that
...tears will get you no where .. Strength is where you will over come it...
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I strongly dislike you .. I can't wait for that moment when you'll need me and I wont be there .. One day you will feel the pain I have felt and all will be fair ..
BUT I can thank you for the heartache you're making me endear in order for the strength I will need to achieve greatness.

2 Freakin Comments!:

sheri amor said...

I can't wait for that moment when you'll need me and I wont be there- i love this line

Kate said...

you should write a song with all your wisdom :)

seriously! xx