Saturday, October 25, 2008

Yes on Prop 8!!


I saw this news report on TV where vandalism is going on over Prop 8.
Seriously Vandals out there who are messing about with peoples houses with PROP 8 signs WHETHER its a YES or NO sign, DO NOT do it. Vandalism is a crime. I repeat DO NOT go by peoples houses and throw eggs or steal the signs! Its super stupid. Really you just begin to take away peoples freedom of speech. If you want to fight with me or anyone else on the matter than do so at the polls, don't steal signs or vandalise someone else's property. Its stupid and a waste of time.

:] Thank you

This not only goes for Prop 8, but any other sign you see. Its election time and if you you dont care, thats your problem, but don't take away other right and privilage to vote.

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